TransactionId | The ID of the transaction. |
TransactionKey | The Key of the transaction. |
CreatedAt | When has the transaction been created |
ExpiresAt | When will the transaction expire |
ConfirmedAt | When has the transaction been confirmed |
CanceledAt | When has the transaction been canceled. |
Confirmations | How many confirmations has the transaction already. Stops after confirmation. |
ConfirmationsNecessary | - |
Status | Contains the plain status text |
StatusEnum | Contains the status enumeration |
Amount | The requested crypto currency amount |
OriginalAmount | The requested fiat currency amount |
ChangedAmount | When underpay or overpay is allowed and the customer sends a different amount of coins, you will find it here. If not, it is null. |
ChangedOriginalAmount | When underpay or overpay is allowed and the customer sends a different amount of coins, you will find its fiat conversion here. If not, it is null. |
ReceivedAmount | The already received amount (maybe unconfirmed yet) |
Url | contains the url of the status page |
Currency | The crypto currency which has been requested |
PricingCurrency | The fiat currency which has been used to fix the price. |
AddressToReceive | The cryptoaddress where the customer needs to sent the coins |
CustomData | Custom data to store at the transaction (could be null) |
CustomUserId | Customer id to store at the transaction (could be null) |
CustomerMail | Customer mail to store at the transaction (could be null) |
CustomOrderId | Custom order id to store at the transaction (could be null) |
AllowOverpay | This transaction allows overpayment. |
AllowUnderpay | This transaction allows underpayment. |
Exchange | The used exchange to fix the price. |
Incomes | Will contains an array with all transactions. |
QRCode | The QR Code, Use: 'data:image/gif;base64,' + qrcode |
System | - |
Hash | A SHA256 Bit lowercase Hash of all fields in ascending sort order (excluding the Hash field) |
Error | Contains error message if failed, else it is null |
Environment | - |