For this example we will use a Ledger Nano X . Disclaimer: We recommend using a new wallet within your ledger to use Premium Black, as this will avoid overlaps or other complications. Simply go to „accounts“ on the left side and then „add account“. Follow the new steps of the wizard. Then follow the steps mentioned here. Go left in the menu on „accounts“ and then on the account you want to use.
Now select the button for settings on the right side.
Expand the advanced logs option:
There you will find a configuration guide that describes your wallet. Within this you will find the item „xpub“: „xpub…“. The value that starts with xpub and is much longer than the first one, is now needed here for the configuration of method 3. In the example we have marked the position of it once in green. (Alternatively, you can also copy and use the entire content, our platform then automatically filters out the "important part")
Copy it and continue with method 3 of the configuration wizard. Important for Ethereum: For each address you use, ledger creates an „account“. So if a payment does not show up right away, it’s probably because ledger is not looking for the addresses yet. To solve this, just go to „accounts“ in the menu on the left, then „add account“ and select Ethereum in the next step. There, after a short search, you should see the „missing“ account, including credit. Finally mark it and go to „add account“.
Now you should see the missing funds and could use them.
This usually only works when a cash receipt has taken place at an „unknown“ address.